I fell in love with Katie's collection when I saw a
picture of her legs on Pinterest. Later I found her Instagram account, and
since then I've been getting ever more amazed at how perfect her collection is,
with every new addition she gets. With this interview, I've learnt that
Katie not only has a beautifully decorated skin, she is also beautiful on the
"I’m 22 years old and I live in Manchester, UK. I am
currently studying Fashion Marketing at the University of Manchester, whilst
working part time in retail. Whatever money I make, usually goes towards a new
It is hard for me to pinpoint the exact moment that I knew
I wanted to be a tattoo collector, but I know it was from an early age. My
aunty has always been a talented artist, and when I was a child I would
constantly ask her to draw for me; mermaids, princesses, beautiful ladies with
long flowing hair, which can be seen in the work I have to this day. I think I
have always had an eye for art, and as I was growing up I always felt like my
skin was so empty, it didn’t sit right with me. That feeling never really left
until the day I got my first tattoo. I think with those things combined, I was
always destined to be tattooed. Although I toyed with the idea from about
thirteen years old, I didn’t work up the courage to take the plunge and get my
first tattoo until I was 20. I was quite lucky that I was so sensible about the
whole process, and that I found the artists that I did from day one.
My first tattoos were the pair
of butterflies above my knees, which I got in September 2013. Gre Hale did them
for me, and he definitely set the ball rolling for the symmetrical nature of my
tattoos. If I hadn’t spoken to Gre before starting my leg project, I doubt they
would look the way they do now. He was hugely influential in the layout of my
leg tattoos, as I basically went to him with a head full of ideas, a body full
of empty space and a year’s worth of savings, without the knowledge of how to
marry all that together. He definitely pointed me in the right direction.
I went into the tattooing
process with all guns blazing, and booked as many sessions as I could for
months on end. In 2013/14 I was getting tattooed fortnightly. I had worked and
saved for over a year to give me a huge head start in beginning a project. I
always knew that I wanted to decorate my skin, there was never an end for me at
that point. There still isn’t an end. It’s such a big part of who I am.
I have works from Guy LeTatooer, Jemma Jones, Sway, Philip Yarnell, Gre Hale and Hannah Pixie Sykes.
My collection has been divided
by style. So for traditional tattoos I like to be coherent and stick to my
legs, then it’s really just a battle for space at this point. Whereas with the
work I’ve had from Guy Le Tatooer [who has done Katie's arm tattoos] it’s
nice that it can stand on its own, as I like the contrast between the two. I
usually have a vague idea of what I want, and I’ll have a little chat with the
artist and just let them take what they want from that and just know that
they’ll absolutely kill it. Sometimes I’ve gone into a tattoo appointment with
the knowledge that I really want something from that person, but absolutely no
clue what I’ll come out with that day, but I kind of love that. It’s so much
more exciting when the artist has that kind of freedom, they always do so much
more with an idea/concept than I could have ever imagined myself.
I get quite emotional when I
think of how amazing it has been to work so closely with Jemma on my legs. I
always say to her how sad I’ll be when there’s no more space left, because it
has honestly been such an honour and a pleasure! She is the most humble,
genuine and caring person I could have ever hoped to get tattooed by. It’s
actually her work that made me take the plunge into getting tattooed in the
first place. I had been researching artists before I ever really knew about
where or who to go to, and as soon as I spotted her drawings I knew she was the
one I had to go to! I feel like she knows my collection better than anybody,
and that she knows exactly what I will like, and how to enhance what is already
there in the best possible way. I feel very indebted to her when it comes to my
Arms done by Guy Le Tatooer // Katie at Sacred Electric Tattoo
It is honestly impossible for me
to choose a favourite tattoo, because I fall in love with them all over again
each day. There isn’t a single one that I regret or don’t like. But the tattoos
I am most proud of are my arm tattoos. They took me to three different
countries, and I endured some intense pain with them. I’m the kind of person
who will flinch if a fly brushes my skin, so tattooing really has shown me that
I can endure so much more than I ever really knew.
Getting tattooed by Guy was
intense. There is no other way of saying it, aha! That man is incredible, he
has such an aura about him, and he’s honestly one of the most inspiring and
talented artists I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I must have emailed him
back in late 2013, never anticipating that I would actually get a response,
since he is so sought after. But luckily he was really interested in the
project I had in mind, and we eventually settled on New York City as the
starting location, since he would be guest spotting in East River Tattoo and
I would be visiting for my 21st birthday in the summer. I remember when I
first walked into East River I had no idea what to expect, but all I knew was I
had so much trust in the fact he’d come up with something amazing, and he did,
I was honestly blown away. Each session on my arms was tough for me, I hadn’t
really considered how much jet lag and heat and attempting to heal myself in a
different country would affect me, and although he refuses to admit it, he
bloody well hurts! We did two more sessions, one in Toulouse, followed by
Amsterdam a couple of months later. It’s honestly been such a blessing
that these tiny arms took me to such beautiful places, I’m so proud that I have
different parts of the world etched into my skin.
I have a very fast approaching
appointment with Jemma on Tuesday to work on my other knee, which I’m
incredibly excited for! After putting off my knees for such a long time it will
be so nice to finally have that space filled in beautifully [update: she's already got her knee done; see pics below]. I also recently
booked in with Guy to extend my shoulders at the end of September, and if I sit
well enough, to begin my stomach piece. I’ve got an appointment in
October with Jemma to hopefully fill some space on my inner thigh and Phillip
Yarnell soon after for some fun gap fillers on my legs. I will also be booking
in with Sway to complete my ankles as soon as I grow a pair of lady balls
(there’s something about ankle/foot tattoos that really, really freaks me out).
I feel insanely lucky that I’ve managed to get tattooed by
my all-time favourite artists at this point, and I’ll probably never stop
wanting to be tattooed by those people. However, there’s definitely artists I
love the work of and would like something from. I’d definitely like to get
something from Abby Drielsma (her ladies knock me for six) Joe Ellis, Cezilia Hjelt, Matty Darienzo, and there’s most definitely more.
Katie's knees recently done by Jemma Jones
Although I knew that being
tattooed would affect my life, I don’t think I quite anticipated just how much.
From the very beginning, my immediate family (my parents and my sister) have
been incredibly supportive. As has my aunty and her family since she can
appreciate the art and talent involved. Although they aren’t tattooed, nor do
they have much interest in tattoos, they have tried their upmost to be on this
journey with me, and to support my decisions along the way, which I am so
grateful for. I actually hid my tattoos from virtually every other member of my
family that I had contact with up until just over a month ago. My Nan and Grandad
in particular, since they are religious and have always disagreed with them. I
sat my Nan down after my Grandad passed away and I told her that I didn’t want
to hide them anymore, that I am covered in lots of pictures and I hope she will
still love me. She pulled up my jumper sleeve, gave my arm a little kiss and
told me she had known all along, and that she would love me no matter what, and
that my Grandad would have felt exactly the same. That was a great day for me.
I’ve had negative comments from other members within my family, but I try not
to dwell on that. I’m so proud of who I am, and if anyone is willing to write
me off because my skin is a little bit different to theirs, then I can deal
with that, as long as I’m being true to myself.
I think that getting attention just goes hand-in-hand with
being heavily tattooed. Even more so if you’re female (it just has even more of
a shock factor for some people). It can go from one end of the spectrum to the
other within minutes. Since I work in retail I’m kind of thrown in with the
sharks a little bit, as it definitely reverses your power in that kind of
situation. I’ve had many rude comments, questions and disgusted stares. But on
the complete opposite end I’ve had people come into the shop to take a picture
of them or tell me how beautifully done they are, or just ask genuinely curious
questions. I deal with it the only way I know how, to kill the rude comments
with kindness. I like to show people that no matter what they might think of
me, I’m a good person, my tattoos don’t change that.
My tattoos have given me a confidence that I never, ever had before.
I always had such a problem with my skin, and my body in general. But
decorating it with so much beauty made me appreciate myself so much. I don’t
hide myself away now, I’m so proud of every single bit of ink, and I couldn’t
imagine myself without it. The process of tattooing is honestly so
invigorating, it makes you appreciate how much your body loves you, to heal you
each and every time, and show you how much pain you can actually withstand.
Tattoos changed my life for the
better. I found them when I was a little bit lost and I ended up discovering so
much about myself along the way. It’s an exciting journey, full of amazing
people. For instance, the fact you wanted to hear my story. That to me, is
amazing. Thank you so much."
Thank you, Katie! I'm so glad my
blog has brought me the opportunity to know you better.
Katie on Instagram @whatxkatiedid and like the blog's fan page on Facebook.
Adorei o blog novo. Sou do time das tatuagens coloridas, você sabe. Mas adorei a forma com que essa menina distribui os desenhos pelo corpo. Beijoca!